New Zealand Part II - Mount Sunday

1. Stopping by a lake for quick lunch // 2 onwards. Walking towards the tip of Mount Sunday and overlooking Mount Potts region. 
Don't you think they look stunning? 
galaxy snaps. 

Mount Sunday, or better known as Edoras in Lord of The Rings, is the small hill strategically located at the centre of Mount Potts region so it ended up providing you the perfect panoramic view of spacious land. Even though the filming set was removed to reinstate Mount Sunday as part of its condition for filming approval, it is not hard to comprehend why Peter Jackson used Mount Sunday as its backdrop for the Rohan.

When I checked my itinerary for the second day in New Zealand, I immediately questioned the name of this mountain and wondered whether it has been a typo. But this question was quickly thrown behind my mind before I even start hiking up it because there's too much beautiful nature to absorb along the way. One may find it boring wandering aimlessly with just trees, mountain, sky and continuing that cycle, yet I really can't get enough of it!



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