Hello 2016.

Roads diverged, but journey unfolds. Decisions made, and adventures ahead.
Late Summer: Was a season of hustle bustling with internship that I had a taste of interviewing interesting subjects in close distance and discovering the gems of my city, celebrated the peak festive season that my calorie counts can never keep up with, and reluctantly bidding farewell to my favourite spot at internship.

Autumn: Entered a new chapter of life, celebrated my birthday with the ones who remembered it, watched fireworks at Moomba Festival in the embrace of love ones, and catching light over cappuccinos and filter coffees.

Winter: Endured the coldest winter Melbourne ever had, continued my love for brunch and light-inviting cafes, learnt to be in front of the camera more (hence that awkward position with those wings), stepped into the freezing ocean waters (what was I thinking then..), and not pictured but posted here: travelled to South NZ with an unforgettable experience of catching cold on the first day and getting stuck at Mount Cook for the rest of trip.

Spring: Travelled to North NZ this time around, casually stopped by my rabbit hole (I wish) rent out to Peter Jackson for LOTR & The Hobbit trilogy, shared the largest mug of beer for Christmas celebration with my love, rounded up 2015 with the prettiest purple shade I've ever seen, and not pictured: a trip to Adelaide.

To sum up, 2015 has been a balanced year--I assume--of both good and bad, of everyday mundanity and occasional excitements, of fortunate and unfortunate moments. 2016, let's bring it on! Albeit late, but better than never, wish you a Happy New Year and hope 2016 will be a better year filled with beautiful memories, challenges and obstacles that will make you grow to be a better and wiser person.

Love, Sharon.


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